The Battle for Innocence…Public Parades, and the Importance of Divine Purpose (SAVE THE CHILDREN)

The Battle for Innocence: Pedophiles, Public Parades, and the Importance of Divine Purpose (SAVE THE NEXT GENERATION!)

By: Brandon Blinson 

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ.”  

– Blaise Pascal

Throughout the annals of history, social contagion movements have surged as collective expressions of human desire for purpose and validation. Not all these movements, however, have been conduits for positive change. In certain instances, this deep-seated longing for significance has been manipulated or misdirected, leading to movements that sow discord and cause societal harm. What these patterns reveal is an underlying truth – true fulfillment and purpose can only be found in a relationship with God.

Innately, humans yearn to find their purpose and to be seen and acknowledged. This unmet need can stir social discontent that has the potential to either incite positive societal change or fuel destructive movements. Historical analysis provides numerous examples of such misdirected movements, underlining the profound danger that arises when the search for purpose strays from God’s path.

Consider the rise of the Nazi party in Germany as an instance. In the aftermath of World War I, Germany grappled with severe economic depression and national humiliation. The Nazis exploited the widespread sense of insignificance and aimlessness, offering a misguided sense of purpose and validation through destructive ideologies of hate and prejudice, leading to World War II.

Similarly, contemporary extremist groups often lure individuals experiencing marginalization or a lack of purpose. These organizations provide a distorted sense of belonging and purpose but at the expense of peace and societal harmony.  This is exactly what we are experiencing now in our western society and to make matters worse the leadership of our country and neighboring countries are encouraging it.

As a man, as a father, and as a citizen, I’m angry and deeply troubled by the current trends seen in some of our society’s movements. We cannot stand by passively when the initial message of equality is lost, replaced with displays that have no place in public, especially around our children.

I am talking about the explicit sexual content that’s arising in events like some of the Pride parades. They were originally portrayed to be conceived to fight against discrimination, to ensure visibility and equal rights for and by the LGBTQ+ community. But what we’re witnessing now is an alarming shift in a completely different direction than what the community stated their movement was for.

Public nudity, explicit BDSM attire, and adult content are finding their way into these events every day. Let’s make no mistake about it – “….these events are no longer about the struggle for equality as they say….” These parades have morphed into arenas for the inappropriate display of adult behaviors in the presence of innocent children.

This, my friends, is not about rights or equality. This is the blatant sexualization of children, and a complete and utter degradation of our societal morals and standards. It’s abhorrent, and it’s utterly unacceptable.

We cannot let these children be subjected to this. They are not emotionally or psychologically equipped to process this kind of explicit adult content. We cannot stand by and allow their innocence to be eroded, their minds exposed to the insidious agendas of those who seek to blur the lines of decency.

As fathers, as men, as defenders of our families, we must rise and voice our disgust. We need to step up, speak out, and advocate for the safety and protection of our children. We need to call on our lawmakers to step in and put an end to this. These explicit displays must be made illegal in ANY public event that allows children to attend. We need laws that protect our children from such public indecency and from the pedophiles who are becoming emboldened by these heinous events.

We are the guardians of our society’s moral compass. It’s our responsibility to protect these young from the insidious reach of those who would exploit their innocence. Let us unite and reclaim our public spaces for our children, devoid of adult explicit content and grooming. We owe this to the children. We owe this to our future.

Now is the time to act, to reassert our societal values, to protect the innocence of our children. In doing so, we will not only safeguard these children’s futures but also ensure the preservation of our society’s moral compass. Let us stand up, speak out, and work tirelessly to uphold these standards. Together, we can and must make a difference. —Brandon Blinson 

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